Finally i have guts to write blog after more than a year abandoned..
Well, Im not actually good in writing and even describing of anything..
My ex-bf used to tell me that 'not everyone can understand the same as u thought like u understand your ownself' ..Get it? Maybe i jer yang faham kot, hmmm..
Well now Im all alone in Japan..i really missed my life in Malaysia, my family n frens and not to forget Mr. K.i.p.i.t..well i get to that topic later yaa..
Mann, its really hard to face life here without knowing nihongo(Japanese Language)..
And my nihongo’s class only once a week..I dont really need nihongo for my studies, coz me and my sv use english all the time..but the prob comes when u go outside and need to converse to local people, what to buy, where to go, what the ingredients and so on..
I hope by staying here 3 years or less makes me good enough to make people atleast understand with my nihongo..
I love baking and eating..thats the answer of me with weight gained almost 6kgs after raya..
Maybe the thinking of I would not be able to get all those glorious raya’s food in Japan, really made me eat like a monster..takper2..i hope i can back to normal weight later..
The blog actually for me to post piccas of my cookings n food i ate in Japan and Malaysia..
So piccas of the day ‘Mee masak hentam ajer laa’, what i cook for dinner..tomorrow I'll post some more lovelier food..
Yer, ada tercampur mee udon di situ
p/s: Im still new in blog world, hence of my sempoi-ness without changing fonts etc..
Will learn soon..
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