I spent my new year in Nagashima.. What is Nagashima? There are 2 interesting places there,
I didnt enter the spaland, but Outlet Park, yess..
One of the biggest Brand outlet in Japan..
Sebenarnya in January I pergi 2 kali you to this outlet..
so on the 1st january tu mmg tk sempat ambik gambar, byk laa sungguh org..tgn pun penuh dgn barang..
so on the second time, org masih lagi packed(org jepun ni tk habis2 duit mereka eh),
i had the opportunity to snap some piccas around..tu pun nasib baik teringat..
So gambar kat bwh ni Nagashima Spaland, tk masuk amik dr luar jer..
not in millions time i will ride this roller coaster..TQ
Main attraction of this spaland
so catch of the day..combined with my friends
Ada lagi ni tau..actually ni dah round ke 2..so ada 3rd round.
So on the 2nd time of January 2012 barulah ada kesempatan snap piccas dlm out let tu.
Tatau laa kenapa org jepun suka sgt Coach..crazy tau tgk barisan panjang..
Overall, i was satisfied with my catches..i had good deals..
mmg laa tk bleh nk compared dgn UK's outlet etc, but sure can beat off JPO (Johor Premium Outlet)..
i hope every year i will have the opportunity to come to this outlet..
tak beli pun tkper, tgk2 pun dah ok..(ye ker tgk2 jer)..